You are here: Job Costing > Assigning Cost To Jobs > Creditor Purchases

Creditor Purchases

Purchases from creditors can be allocated directly to a job by attaching a job number to a line. The Charge Amount is calculated based on the mark-up percentage for that job for Creditor Purchases in the Settings tab and can be changed. When a job is attached to a line, the Ledger Number field is disabled and is changed to the Work In Progress account attached to the Stage.


1. Creditors Transactions Purchases Purchases OR load the Job, click Transactions tab, select Creditor Purchases and click Create Transaction
2. Select the creditor from the search window or type in the account number
3. Type in line details as required
4. Select Job No from the search window or type it in full
5. Change Job Charge Amount as necessary
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5
7. Save and activate when complete

The job is updated with the costs, invoices are posted to the creditor account and a journal posted.

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